Content Ideas You Can Use for Your Coaching Business

MARCH 11, 2022

Content creation is an essential part of marketing your business, once done right, it can help you broaden your reach so you can connect with your potential clients.

But let's face it, it can be draining and overwhelming. One of the things I do as a social media manager is to help my clients come up with content ideas so they can spend more time growing their business rather than spend hours coming up with content for their audience.

With that being said, here are some of the content ideas, you can use for your coaching business.

Tell a story

How do you connect with your audience? Tell your story! Dove, Airbnb, Coca Cola, and so many successful brands are integrating their marketing with storytelling. Why? Because it's the best way to connect to your people.

Content ideas:

โœจ What's the reason why you build your business?

โœจ What's the most important lesson you learn from building your business?

โœจ Tell the struggle that you've been through in building your business.

โœจ Share your origin story, how did you start doing what you do?

Make a list

Share anything to your audience, they might be looking for something that you already have (e.g tools you use, tips, books, or even movies). This type of content has a vast audience and if you like creating lists, just go for it.

Content ideas:

โœจ List the tools that you use every day in your business.

โœจ List tips that will help your ideal clients overcome their struggles.

โœจ Create a list of your daily routine.

โœจ Create a list of personal lessons that you want to share with your audience.

About You

Your audience also wants to hear about you! As humans, we love to hear and watch stories, see how we are so fond of watching reality TV shows like Survivor and Big Brother. Posting content about you also allows your audience to have a sneak peek at your personality behind your brand, it makes your brand alive

Content ideas:

โœจ Share your workspace and the top three things on your desk that are very essential to you.

โœจ Share something about your friends and family member and how did they contribute to building your business.

โœจ Share your job before you build your business and the lesson you learned from it.

โœจ Share your hometown and the most memorable place you visited.

About Your Offer

You are creating content so you can provide free service to your audience, and of course, you want to make sure that you're content will lead to your offer. Tell people about how wonderful your offer is and how it can change their lives.

Content ideas:

โœจ Tell how your program or course helps your previous clients.

โœจ Share a sneak peek of your future project.

โœจ Share your testimony from one of your clients.

โœจ Share how you come up with your offer and what's the reason behind it.

Personal Recommendation

Got a new Netflix show that you love, share it with your audience! Sharing things about you can help you connect with your audience in a deeper sense.

Content ideas:

โœจ Share your favorite Netflix movie and the lesson that you get from it.

โœจ Share the three accounts that inspire you with your life and business.

โœจ Share 5 books that you can recommend to your fellow entrepreneur.

โœจ Share your self-care routine.

Content creation, once done right, can help you a lot with brand awareness, nurturing, and conversion. If this is something that you need help with, I'd love to have a tea chat with you, and let's talk about how you can create a content strategy that speaks to your ideal clients.

Hi there!

I am Anette, a passionate social media manager who helps ambitious female coaches build their social media presence. I'm a sucker for flower teas and self-help books.
